It's been a little while since I've been regularly commenting in my blog, and my posts have been a bit hit and miss as to when they go up. All rather remiss of me I know, and that's why in the New Year it is one of my resolutions to become more active in writing about tax again with the aim of publishing at least one tax blog every month. Not the most thrilling resolution I'm sure, but 2017 is likely to be one of the most eventful years in taxation that we have seen in some time!

For starters, we have May and Hammond (our new Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer, if only Boris Johnson's surname was Clarkson it would be uncanny), the latter of whom will be delivering his first Budget speech on 8 March 2017 this year. Hopefully this will pass without the prerequisite tomfoolery of their namesakes on Amazon Prime!
The New Year will also bring with it ramifications for European and global markets as we see Brexit gain pace in the spring and the arrival of President Trump in the White House. I'm sure there will be no end of commentary over these particular events in early 2017, which will undoubtedly have differing effects on business generally. The former (Brexit) could see some major changes to the UK's tax legislation, but it remains to see what Donald Trump will do for trans-Atlantic tax harmony.
On another level we will also see further developments on MTD (Making Tax Digital, not Match of The Day) as we stride ever closer to digital integration with HMRC, and lets not forget of course the notification process for those with overseas assets and property.
Yes, 2017 should prove to be a most interesting year...